
Critique as Process

We already covered the benefits for bonsai artists because it provides feedback from the audience’s point of view and cover the Language of Critique. Now let's put it all together.
The Bonsai Critiquing Process is a method of organizing the facts and your thoughts about a particular bonsai. The process is broken down into four areas or phases. Each area specifically looks at one section. These four phases are Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Judgment. Each section must be covered in order, beginning with description. This order helps you to organize your thoughts and to make intelligent and educated statements about a work of art.
It is very important that you are familiar with Visual Elements and the Artistic Principles of Bonsai Design as they will provide you with the vocabulary and knowledge necessary to critique bonsai.


Often the first thing you do when you look at a work of art is to say "I like it " or "I think that is a terrible piece of art! " It is very difficult not to jump to your opinions first. However, in order to make intelligent statements and educated guesses, we must follow the process and begin with description. Description simply means to describe the bonsai. Tell what you see. Talk about the tree, species, size, and style. This is not the place to add your opinions. You must be objective, like a detective who is surveying the scene of a crime and writing down only what you see.


The next step is analysis. Here is the section where you will express your thoughts about what the message of the bonsai is. What idea does this tree represent? This section relies on your knowledge of the visual elements and principles of design to articulate in an intelligent manner the information or clues you see in the bonsai. You will answer the question: How is this work organized?


Interpretation is the step to express your opinions about what you think the tree means. Now you have the opportunity to discuss what this work of art means to you. Ask yourself "What does this bonsai say to me? " You must be able to articulate, or express yourself intelligently using words, and provide insightful comments as to why you feel the mood or the meaning of the tree? Interpretation is very personal. Understand that your interpretation of a work may differ greatly from someone else's.


Judgment is an important section because you can express your opinion. What do you think about this bonsai? Is the composition including the tree, container, stand and companion element successful? Do you like it? Would you display this bonsai in a museum? You should be able to give some reasons as to why you like or do not like a work of art.